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The Power Within Unleashed
Vertical Videos PLR Firesale

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Private Label Rights To

The Power Within Unleashed

(336 DFY Vertical & Horizontal Videos)

Very Time Sensitive

5 Days Only

Launch Date:

Monday, 11th December
@ 9:00 AM EST

Close Date:

Saturday, 16th December
@ 11:59 PM EST

The offer will be shut down once the launch period is over.
No exception.


The Power Within Unleashed

336 Done-For-You Short Value-Oriented Rebrandable Videos With A Complete Ready-To-Go Training Center That Will Sell To Your List Like A Ninja... All While Your Audience Gets Impactful Short Video Content That No Body Else Is Willing To Do!


The Power Within Unleashed

This Volume is Jam-packed with 336 Short Videos on 16 In-Demand Topics.

One-Time-Release "The Power Within Unleashed" PLR Package Includes The Following Modules:

16 RED-HOT Titles

336 Vertical Videos

336 Horizontal Videos

All Editable Files

Turnkey 80+ Video Pages Website

Full Private Label Rights License

And Much More...

Watch Samples of These Clever
Done-For-You Videos In Action!

Vertical Dimension:

(Ideal For TikTok & YouTube Shorts)

Horizontal Dimension:

(Ideal For Your Website or Training Center)

Take a look at these 240 video titles:

1. Living a Life of Abundance

2. A life of abundance begins by channeling the right mindset.

3. Everything you are and have begins by manifesting in the mind

4. An undisciplined mind can limit your life.

5. Sometimes if you want to live a life of abundance you need to change your self-talk.

6. Abundance is born in the mind but it does not end there.

7. Have the freedom to dream and go after the life you want.

8. Believe in yourself and your dream.

9. Be ready to face and overcome your feelings.

10. Using the right affirmations can lead you to a life of abundance.

11. Forget your current and past situations, envision the life you want.

12. Look for something good in all things and at all times.

13. Be clear about what you want and begin working toward receiving it.

14. Recognize that you can create the life you want for yourself and your family.

15. Spreading joy can install an abundance of happiness in your own life.

16. Life is more meaningful when we run the race together.

17. The abundance of love increases self-esteem.

18. Influence the desired outcome.

19. Achieving a life of abundance requires you to be passionate about the things you do.

20. Never settle for less and always celebrate your victories.

21. Show gratitude and make the around feel appreciated.

22. The Power Of Attitude

23. Your mindset affects how you handle daily tasks and responsibilities

24. Maintaining a healthy outlook will help you achieve your goals

25. Positivity is associated with good health

26. Change your attitude

27. Positivity builds self-esteem

28. A great attitude attracts great company and opportunities

29. A good attitude guarantees growth

30. Your focus improves when you have a change in attitude.

31. Change your attitude towards your vision

32. Being an optimist makes you happier

33. Let go of things you cannot change

34. Negativity leads to a life of fear

35. Have the tenacity to Acknowledge what you are going through

36. Practice self-affirmation to sustain a positive attitude

37. Your attitude affects those around you

38. Surround yourself with positive influences.

39. Gratitude is an attitude

40. Every now and then you should find time alone to recharge

41. The right attitude leads to a happier and healthier life

42. Do not fall victim to your mind, practice mindfulness

43. Power of Change

44. Change fuels Progress.

45. Change your thought patterns to change your life.

46. Be patient with yourself.

47. It takes courage to experience true change.

48. Change requires discipline.

49. Fear inhibits true change.

50. Nothing guarantees success like being consistent.

51. Introspection can help you identify the areas of your life that need change.

52. The changes you make in your life are agents of improvement.

53. Be willing to accept change.

54. Constantly evaluate the changes you adopt.

55. Motivate change by rewarding your progress.

56. Anticipate uncertainties and prepare for them.

57. Do not overwhelm yourself, take small steps.

58. Implementing change requires you to have a strong support system.

59. Stop procrastinating, implement change today.

60. Change is the key to growth.

61. Use change to find and live your purpose.

62. Change brings forth new opportunities.

63. Distance yourself from negativity.

64. The Power Of Creativity

65. Your mind has the power to invent anything.

66. Being creative helps you stay productive.

67. Imagination is the key to innovation.

68. Creative thinking can unlock plenty of doors for you.

69. Creativity can improve your confidence levels.

70. If you want to come up with creative ideas you have to free your imagination from bondage.

71. Stress can prevent you from being creative.

72. Declutter your mind and get rid of the things that block your creative process.

73. Couple imagination with action for results.

74. Connect with other creatives.

75. Creativity builds confidence.

76. Read, watch and listen if you want to identify and develop your creativity.

77. Be genuine and original to live a stress-free

78. Creativity helps you express your true self.

79. To become creative, you have to be curious.

80. Avoid listening to some criticism.

81. Write down all your creative ideas.

82. Use your creative ability to lift yourself from difficult moments.

83. Find peace and positivity through creativity.

84. Use creativity to strengthen your relationships.

85. The Power Of Focus

86. Develop high levels of focus to achieve your dreams.

87. Stay focused, eyes on the ball.

88. Mindful focus helps you get rid of toxic behaviors that stop you from winning.

89. Without a focused mind, you become less productive.

90. A journal can help you stay focused.

91. Break down your goals and monitor progress as you work on them.

92. Focus is the key to unlock your creativity.

93. Without focus, it is easy to suffer from burnout.

94. Have focus in all areas of your life.

95. Deal with things that steal your focus.

96. Declutter your mind to remain effective.

97. Focus on one thing at a time to get things.

98. To get rid of distractions you must have clearly defined aims.

99. Plan your day right to hold on to your focus levels.

100. A wandering mind reduces your potential.

101. Make a habit of taking breaks.

102. Focus on the positive.

103. Be confident when you make your moves.

104. High output requires you to control your work environment.

105. Focus on what you want to achieve.

106. The Power Of Giving

107. There is a satisfying sense of fulfillment that comes with giving

108. Other acts of giving are worth more than money

109. There is joy when giving is done with pure motives

110. You cannot pour from an empty cup

111. Make sure that when you give, your intentions are pure

112. Giving helps you maintain a possibility mindset

113. Kindness improves the quality of our relationships

114. Emotional support is the highest form of giving

115. Be generous with your time

116. You have the power to change the world, one unselfish act at a time

117. Create opportunities for others feeds them for a much longer time than making a meal for them

118. Find fulfillment in your relationships through the power of giving

119. Selfless people give out of a heart of gratitude

120. It is difficult to give if you focus on what you lack

121. Generosity is the cornerstone of good leadership qualities

122. There is progress when we let benevolence be the order of the day

123. Be kind and generous to build strong and lasting connections

124. Givers are optimistic dreamers

125. Sometimes you need to install boundaries to protect your generosity

126. You have a lot to give

127. The Power Of Goals

128. Goals act as a roadmap for your life.

129. Your goals condition your actions

130. Understand what goal setting means to your life.

131. Write down your goals to gain a sense of purpose and direction.

132. Without solid and clear goals you are most likely to just blow with the winds.

133. Align your goals with your beliefs.

134. Be true to yourself when you set your goals.

135. The key to goal setting is setting measurable goals.

136. Do not let challenges override your goals

137. Let Goals be your compass.

138. Set goals beyond your comfort zone.

139. Define what you want for your future and devise possible ways to get you there.

140. Visualize success.

141. Be the assessor of your progress.

142. Always start with you have.

143. Have discipline to achieve your goals.

144. Set goals that will change your unfavorable habits

145. Goals give you the ability to make smart decisions.

146. Constant improvement is key.

147. Pivot on goals and celebrate all your victories.

148. The Power Of Habit

149. Habits shape who we become.

150. It takes willpower to choose a new habit and stick with it.

151. Breaking bad habits and developing positive ones is easier said than done.

152. Make positivity your habit.

153. Take small steps to develop a long-lasting habit.

154. Do it daily. Do not break the chain and never make excuses.

155. Develop the habit of learning new things and enriching your set of skills.

156. Recognize the triggers of your bad habits.

157. Replace a bad habit, don’t just stop it.

158. Habits begin in the mind.

159. Good habits change the direction of our lives.

160. Bad habits affect your time management.

161. Develop good habits to improve your productivity.

162. Challenge yourself to do better.

163. Be intentional with your habits.

164. Develop your personal morning routine.

165. A reading habit can take you far.

166. Plan and schedule your day to impact your life positively.

167. Sometimes you need help to break bad habits.

168. We cannot do more with our lives when bad habits are still ruling our lives.

169. The Power Of Hope

170. Hope is a great confidence booster.

171. Hope contributes to your overall well-being.

172. To develop a hope mindset, you must be mindful of what your mind dwells on.

173. Hope empowers us to face tough seasons and emerge as survivors.

174. Surround yourself with people who are positive.

175. Do things that make you happy.

176. Have a clear vision in your head.

177. Live in the moment

178. Hope keeps us believing things will turn out great regardless of the circumstances.

179. With hope, it is possible to rebuild a broken life.

180. Hope makes the present moment less difficult to bear.

181. Hope allows us to aim higher.

182. Hope can boost creativity.

183. Being hopeful increases one's self-esteem.

184. Become a prisoner of hope and never be defeated.

185. Having hope and acting on it will help you through your struggles.

186. Hope is the energy and motivation you need to go after your goals.

187. With Hope, you can see the positives in every situation.

188. Hopes brings unmeasurable.

189. To cultivate hope you must realize that you are not alone.

190. The Power Of Journaling

191. Get in touch with your inner self through journaling.

192. Journaling is more than just documenting your life’s events.

193. Stay on top of your decision-making process by keeping a journal.

194. Plan and execute your ideas with the help of a journal.

195. Keeping a journal can improve your mental clarity.

196. Get a handle on your emotions and release feelings of anger.

197. Journaling helps you cope when facing difficulty.

198. A journal can track and get rid of negative thoughts.

199. To be effective in your journaling, keep a small notebook that you can take with you everywhere.

200. Reflect on events and do honest self-searching

201. Discover what is keeping you from shinning.

202. By keeping a journal, you can understand and learn from your mistakes.

203. Journaling boosts your self-confidence.

204. Never forget your ideas ever again.

205. Channel journaling to boost your thought patterns.

206. Keep a reliable record of how to survive certain situations and heal.

207. Stay on your path and achieve great success through journaling.

208. Track your personal growth by keeping a journal.

209. Journaling is the key to growth and development.

210. It clears your mind and opens it up for new things.

211. Living a Victorious Life

212. Planning your actions helps you meet your objectives

213. Use the planned neglect strategy to get things done

214. You are responsible for your success

215. The checklist strategy gets things done

216. Act on your goals, but most importantly act early

217. Your past actions do not define your future

218. Make it a point to always have something exciting to work on

219. Do not postpone what you can do now

220. Start with something that requires less mental and physical energy

221. Keep a list of the benefits you get from acting close

222. Have a list of what you lose out on if you choose not to act

223. Find out your time-wasting activities and get rid of them

224. Get started anyway, even when you don’t feel like starting

225. Review your actions for improved actions

226. Sometimes you have to make the tough decisions to correct your actions

227. Your actions can build and destroy friendships

228. Pause and consider your actions before acting

229. Pursue the right mountain

230. Set your targets and go for them

231. Getting things done requires you to stick to your priorities.

232. The Power Of NOW

233. Be physically and mentally present in what is happening now.

234. Choose to make the most of your now.

235. Living in the present helps you develop gratitude for the things you have.

236. Doing things NOW boosts productivity.

237. Live your best life today and stop waiting for tomorrow.

238. You can miss out on great opportunities if you do not live in the present.

239. Embrace every opportunity.

240. Treat every day like a gift.

241. It is important to find a balance between living now and planning for the things to come.

242. Stop obsessing about the things you cannot control to live a stress-free and healthy life.

243. When you choose to live NOW you get to appreciate life and its beauty more.

244. Avoid distractions and get things done now.

245. Celebrate all your accomplishments.

246. Be happy and grateful for what you have achieved today.

247. Where you are now is all credit to who you were yesterday.

248. Be careful not to get hung up on the past.

249. Kick procrastination to the curb, do what needs to be done NOW.

250. Be bold. Take action

251. Living NOW helps you live to the best of your abilities.

252. Surround yourself with people of action.

253. The Power Of Patience

254. Impatience has no benefits, as it only leads to frustration and stress.

255. Patience is about dealing with your thoughts and emotions and controlling your reaction to unexpected delays.

256. Patience can help unlock mental freedom.

257. Patience brings about consistency.

258. Patience is more than just sitting around and waiting for things to happen.

259. Be kind to yourself, get rid of impatience.

260. Channel patience to make better decisions.

261. Patience will help you realize your dreams if you learn how to wait.

262. Achieve your goals through patience.

263. Patience is the key to overcoming negativity.

264. A life of patience can bring you satisfaction.

265. Patience promotes good health and wellbeing.

266. Do not rush into action, pause before you react.

267. Be patient but do not be passive.

268. Be calm through the negative seasons.

269. Be patient with yourself.

270. Be patient but use your time wisely.

271. Patience can help you develop better relationships.

272. Building patience is a step-by-step process.

273. Above everything else, trust the process.

274. The Power Of A Peaceful Mind

275. It is your responsibility to maintain peace in your environment.

276. Be the source of your peace.

277. A peaceful mind functions better.

278. Having a peace mindset can help you fight negativity.

279. Say no to things that do not bring you peace.

280. A peaceful mindset makes you confident.

281. Unforgiveness robs you of your peace.

282. Free yourself from the shackles of your past.

283. Never compare your life to someone else’s.

284. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you do not fit in.

285. Inner peace gives you the courage to try new things.

286. Learn and master conflict management and resolution skills.

287. Learn to be content with who you are and the life that you have.

288. It helps you live your life to the fullest.

289. Practicing patience can help you improve your relationships.

290. Build healthy relationships

291. Have a bit of gratitude to experience true peace and happiness.

292. Forgive and let go of the past

293. Be Tolerant and accept other people for who they are.

294. Taking responsibility for your own happiness.

295. The Power of Action

296. Planning your actions helps you meet your objectives

297. Use the planned neglect strategy to get things done

298. You are responsible for your success

299. The checklist strategy gets things done

300. Act on your goals, but most importantly act early

301. Your past actions do not define your future

302. Make it a point to always have something exciting to work on

303. Do not postpone what you can do now

304. Start with something that requires less mental and physical energy

305. Keep a list of the benefits you get from acting close

306. Have a list of what you lose out on if you choose not to act

307. Find out your time-wasting activities and get rid of them

308. Get started anyway, even when you don’t feel like starting

309. Review your actions for improved actions

310. Sometimes you have to make the tough decisions to correct your actions

311. Your actions can build and destroy friendships

312. Pause and consider your actions before acting

313. Pursue the right mountain

314. Set your targets and go for them

315. Getting things done requires you to stick to your priorities.

316. The Power Of Confidence

317. Confidence helps you become a more positive person.

318. A lack of confidence could be the reason for missed opportunities.

319. Get ahead in the workplace by channeling your confidence.

320. Self-confidence and self-belief can help you reach your dreams.

321. Confidence people are high performers.

322. Keep a good mental and physical image of yourself.

323. Confidence can help you get ahead in all areas of your life.

324. To boost your confidence, know your strengths and weaknesses.

325. To be more confident, do not give in to fear. Take action.

326. Be in charge of your life.

327. Physical exercise can help boost your confidence.

328. Be comfortable with who you are.

329. Hold on to your confidence by learning to expect and accept criticism.

330. Have positive conversations with yourself.

331. You can build confidence just by surrounding yourself with the right people.

332. Mindfulness builds confidence.

333. Confident people also make mistakes.

334. When you look good, you feel good.

335. Self-Affirmations Build Confidence.

336. Do not allow negative events to rule over you.


This Offer Will Be Removed From Warriorplus After The 5-Days Launch Period.

Monday, 11th December @ 9:00 AM EST to Saturday, 16th December @ 11:59 PM EST



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Make 50 Sales = $80 Cash

Make 75 Sales = $125 Cash

Make 100 Sales = $200 Cash

Make 200 Sales = $500 Cash


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